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Reasons Why the IKEA Effect Can Boost Your Motivation

Walter Perez


Motivation is a complex subject. Though many factors contribute to it, one concept that has gained traction in recent years is the IKEA effect. The idea is simple: when we invest time and effort into a task, we begin to place greater value on the outcome. This, in turn, can boost our motivation to continue working on it. This effect is known as the IKEA effect.

In this post, we will explore the power of the IKEA effect in increasing motivation. We'll examine what it is, and why it matters. We'll also look at how to harness its influence to work for us. By the end of this article, you'll understand how the IKEA effect can help you achieve your goals and push through challenging projects.

Personal Investment

The IKEA effect is based on the idea that we value things more when we have a personal investment in them. This applies not only to physical objects but also to the work we do and the projects we undertake. By putting in time, effort, and resources into something, we become more invested in it and are more likely to care about its outcome.

When we invest ourselves in a project, we feel a sense of ownership and pride in our work. This, in turn, can boost our motivation to continue working towards our goals. It's a self-perpetuating cycle - the more invested we are, the more motivated we become, and the more motivated we become, the more invested we want to be.

So, how can we apply this concept to our daily lives? One way is to set personal goals and invest our time and efforts into achieving them. Whether it's learning a new skill, completing a challenging project, or even just decluttering our living space, taking ownership over these tasks can help us stay motivated and achieve a greater sense of accomplishment.

Additionally, creating a workspace that feels personal and customized to our preferences and needs can also increase our investment in our work. By having an environment that's tailored to our liking, we're more likely to enjoy the work we're doing and feel more invested in it.

Overall, the IKEA effect is a powerful tool for increasing our motivation and drive. By investing ourselves in the things we do and creating a sense of ownership over our work, we're more likely to achieve our goals and feel a greater sense of accomplishment.

Perceived Value

Another way to boost motivation through the IKEA effect is by creating a strong perceived value in the task or project at hand. This involves emphasizing the importance and impact of the work being done, and how it contributes to a larger goal or purpose.

Research shows that when we believe our work has significant value, we are more motivated to put in the time and effort required to complete it. This is because we feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment in knowing that what we are doing is meaningful and impactful.

To create a strong perceived value, it is important to communicate the importance of the task or project to those involved. This could mean highlighting the potential benefits or outcomes, or connecting it to a larger mission or vision. It is also important to recognize and acknowledge the progress being made along the way, as this can further reinforce the idea that the work being done is valuable and important.

By creating a strong perceived value in the task or project, the IKEA effect can be further strengthened, leading to increased motivation and commitment to seeing it through to completion.

Sense of Accomplishment

One of the reasons why the IKEA effect can boost your motivation is the sense of accomplishment it brings. When we complete a task or project, it gives us a feeling of satisfaction and pride. This sense of accomplishment can be a powerful motivator to keep us going and to tackle new challenges.

Research has shown that when we accomplish something, it releases dopamine in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate our mood, motivation, and pleasure. When we experience a sense of accomplishment, it triggers the release of dopamine, which makes us feel good and motivated to continue pursuing our goals.

The IKEA effect taps into this sense of accomplishment by allowing us to take ownership of our projects. When we build something from scratch or put in the effort to customize it, we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in our work. This feeling can encourage us to take on new challenges and to continue growing and improving.

To harness the power of the sense of accomplishment, try setting achievable goals and celebrating your successes along the way. The more you experience a sense of accomplishment, the more motivated you'll be to keep going and to tackle bigger challenges. By embracing the IKEA effect and taking ownership of your projects, you can tap into this powerful motivator and achieve great things.

Sense of Ownership

The IKEA effect is not just about personal investment and perceived value - it also revolves around the sense of ownership one feels towards a project or product. When we put in effort in creating or improving something, we tend to develop a deeper connection to it. This sense of ownership can fuel our motivation to continue working on it and improving it further.

Research shows that people tend to value things more highly when they feel they have played a part in creating or personalizing it. This is why customization features are a huge selling point for many brands. When we add our personal touch to something, we feel a sense of pride and ownership over it. This pride and ownership, in turn, boosts our motivation to continue working on it and improving it further.

If you're managing a team, encourage them to take ownership of their work instead of just completing tasks. By allowing them to have more say in their projects, they'll feel more invested in the end result. This investment will drive them to work harder and smarter, leading to better outcomes.

The IKEA effect's sense of ownership can be applied not only to physical products but also to intangible ones like projects, ideas, or even relationships. When we feel a sense of ownership towards these things, we tend to put more effort into nurturing and improving them.

Overall, the sense of ownership that comes with the IKEA effect is crucial in driving motivation. By encouraging personal investment, perceived value, and ownership in your team, you'll be able to tap into their intrinsic motivation and boost their productivity.


In conclusion, the IKEA effect can have a significant impact on our motivation. By investing our time and effort into a project, we create a sense of ownership and accomplishment that can drive us to continue improving. Additionally, creating a perception of value can further boost our motivation to complete the task. By leveraging the power of the IKEA effect, we can find new ways to increase our motivation and achieve our goals. So next time you're feeling unmotivated, consider the benefits of personal investment, value perception, and a sense of ownership, and see how the IKEA effect can help you reach new heights.