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Mirror Mirror on the Car: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Mirrors in Driving

Eugene Sanders

As soon as we get behind the wheel and start driving, we are responsible for more than just our own safety. We also hold the safety of other drivers, pedestrians, and passengers in our hands. One of the most effective ways to ensure this safety is by using mirrors correctly.

In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about how to use mirrors when driving. We will cover the different types of car mirrors, their benefits, and how to position them correctly for maximum visibility. You will also learn advanced mirror techniques used by experienced drivers to enhance their safety while on the road.

Understanding the Different Types of Car Mirrors

Before we delve into how to use mirrors effectively when driving, we need to ensure we're clear on the different types of car mirrors available in cars today. Understanding each one's unique functions and specifications is crucial to get the most of them while on the road.

Rear-View Mirrors

The rear-view mirror is one of the essential mirrors in your car. It's located above the dashboard and provides a broad view of the rear of your vehicle. It's designed to work during both daytime and nighttime driving, and some even have an auto-dimming feature to prevent bright lights from blinding you.

Wing Mirrors

Also known as side mirrors, wing mirrors are situated on each side of the vehicle's exterior. Wing mirrors are primarily used to provide a view of the lane next to you, which the rear-view mirror cannot achieve. The mirrors can be manually or electrically adjusted to suit different driving positions or accommodate different drivers' heights.

Blind Spot Mirrors

Blind spots refer to the areas that aren't visible through your side mirrors; they pose a real hazard to drivers in traffic. Blind spot mirrors are smaller, specialized mirrors designed to eliminate blind spots by expanding the view behind and to the side of your vehicle. They can be bought and added to the existing wing mirrors or come pre-installed in high-end models of vehicles.

Towing Mirrors

Towing mirrors are an essential accessory when towing a trailer or other equipment behind your vehicle. They are more significant than wing mirrors and may be placed at the top of the door frame to provide better viewing angles.

Overall, different types of car mirrors serve different purposes, and understanding their functions is the first step to using them effectively.

The Science behind Using Mirrors in Driving

Driving without mirrors is like trying to navigate through life without your eyes. Mirrors provide drivers with a wider field of vision, which can greatly decrease the chances of accidents and improve overall safety.

The science behind using mirrors in driving is simple: the mirrors allow you to see what’s happening around your vehicle. They can expand your peripheral vision and reduce blind spots, making it easier to anticipate potential hazards before they become dangerous.

When adjusting your mirrors, it’s important to pay attention to the size and shape of your car as well as your own height and seating position. This can greatly affect the angle at which you see things in your mirrors. Getting your car's mirrors properly positioned might take some time, but it's important to ensure you have maximum visibility while driving.

It's also important to note that mirrors are not a substitute for looking over your shoulder or scanning your surroundings as you drive. Mirrors provide a useful tool for expanding your vision, but there are situations where visual information can only be retrieved by physically turning your head to look.

Remember, the use of mirrors in driving is rooted in the science of safety. By using your mirrors correctly, you can help keep yourself and your passengers safe on the road.

Proper Positioning of Mirrors

One of the most common mistakes that drivers make is not positioning their mirrors correctly. Proper positioning is essential if you want to get the best possible view of the road around you. Here's a step-by-step guide to positioning your mirrors correctly for optimal visibility and safety.

Rear-View Mirror

Your rear-view mirror is arguably the most important mirror in your car. It provides a view of the road behind you and helps you see other cars on the road. Here's how to properly position your rear-view mirror:

  1. Start by adjusting your seat so that you can see out of the rear windshield without having to move your head.
  2. Tilt the mirror until it provides a full view of the rear windshield.
  3. Make sure that the mirror is centered and provides a clear view of the road behind you.

Side Mirrors

Many drivers make the mistake of positioning their side mirrors so that they overlap with their rear-view mirror. This is a mistake because it creates a blind spot. To properly position your side mirrors, follow these steps:

  1. Lean your head to the left until it touches the driver's side window.
  2. Adjust the driver's side mirror until you can see the back corner of your car.
  3. Lean your head to the right and do the same for the passenger side mirror.

When done correctly, you should be able to see the sides of your car in your side mirrors without any overlap with your rear-view mirror. This means that you will have a much wider field of vision and will be able to see other cars more easily.

Using Mirrors in Different Driving Scenarios

Driving involves a lot of scenarios that require the use of mirrors. It is essential to utilize these mirrors to ensure your safety and that of other drivers on the road. Let's take a look at various driving scenarios and how to use your mirrors effectively.

Highway Driving

Highway driving requires constant monitoring of your surrounding, and this is where mirrors come in handy. Ensure that your mirrors are correctly adjusted since you need to keep an eye on cars driving at fast speeds. A sudden lane change can cause accidents, so it is essential to keep a good eye on your side mirrors. You can take a quick glance at your rearview mirror when you want to change lanes to ensure that there is enough space to do so. However, do not rely solely on your mirrors—check your blind spots and signal appropriately before making a lane change.


Parking is one of the driving scenarios where your mirrors will be your best friend. When parking in a parallel spot, use your side mirrors to check the distance between your car and the vehicles around you. You can also use your mirrors to check the distance between the curb and your car.


When reversing, it is essential to use your mirrors and check your rearview camera, if you have one. Your side mirrors can help you know what is happening behind you while reversing, as it is not possible to see behind you when reversing. Check your surroundings frequently to avoid hitting cars, pedestrians or objects.

Changing lanes

Before making a lane change, check your mirrors to ensure there is enough space to switch lanes safely. Use your mirrors to keep track of cars that may be approaching you from behind. Signal your intention to change lanes, allow sufficient space for other drivers, and move slowly into the appropriate lane.

Heavy Traffic

When driving through heavy traffic, use your mirrors to monitor the cars around you. Traffic can be a nightmare, and it is vital to use your mirrors to ensure the safety of other drivers and pedestrians. You can use your side mirrors to watch for cars that may be changing lanes, especially if you are driving on a multi-lane highway.

Overall, when driving, always use your mirrors to monitor your surroundings. Proper use of the mirrors will help prevent accidents, keep you and your passengers safe, and keep your vehicle in excellent condition. Don't forget—always check your blind spots before making any lane changes!

Advanced Mirror Techniques

Once you have mastered the basic techniques for using mirrors in driving, you can take your skills to the next level with advanced mirror techniques. These methods are designed for experienced drivers who wish to enhance their driving safety and awareness even further.

Enhanced Blind-Spot Checks

Blind spots are areas around your car that cannot be seen in your mirrors, and they can be a major hazard when changing lanes or turning. While adjusting your mirrors and using your peripheral vision can help reduce blind spots, advanced mirror techniques can provide even greater awareness.

One technique is the "double-check" method, where you glance twice before changing lanes or turning to make sure there are no other cars or obstacles in your blind spot. Another method involves using a convex blind spot mirror, which is an additional small mirror that is attached to your side mirrors and provides a wider field of vision.

Checking Mirrors in Sequence

Another advanced technique is to check your mirrors in a specific sequence, rather than all at once. This can help you quickly identify potential hazards and respond more effectively.

One common sequence is to check your rear-view mirror, left wing mirror, and then right wing mirror, in that order. This allows you to quickly assess traffic behind you and in your blind spots before making any maneuver.

Monitoring a Stopped Vehicle

If you are parked or stopped at a traffic light, an advanced mirror technique is to monitor the vehicle behind you using your rear-view mirror. Keep an eye on their brake lights and indicators so that you can anticipate their movements and respond accordingly.

Practice Makes Perfect

As with any driving skill, advanced mirror techniques require practice and patience. Start by incorporating one advanced technique into your routine until you feel comfortable before moving on to the next one.

Remember to always prioritize safety when driving and to continuously improve your skills to ensure a safer and smarter driving experience.


After reading through this comprehensive guide, we hope you now have a much greater understanding of how to correctly use the mirrors in your car for a safer and smarter driving experience. With a range of different mirror types available, it's easy to become overwhelmed or confused about their purpose in reducing blind spots and helping to keep you aware of your surroundings.

From the science behind using mirrors to the different driving scenarios where you can put them into practice, we've covered a range of useful topics to help improve your mirror technique. But don't just take our word for it – put these tips into practice and you'll soon notice the difference it makes to your driving skills.

Remember, using mirrors correctly is critical to staying safe while driving, so take the time to make sure they're positioned correctly and adjust them as needed for different driving scenarios. We hope this guide has been helpful and wish you safe driving ahead!